

In addition to your local trip, Kiddotravel can also arrange your flight ticket. We will look for the best flights for you and make sure that they fit in nicely with the itinerary you have chosen. In case of a time change or delay, we can assist you directly to make your itinerary connect to your flight again.

Please contact us (create a link) to receive a suitable flight proposal.

Or choose your destination first. (link to destination page)




You can also book your own flight. This way you can decide for yourself when the most favourable flight for you is and you can easily book it. If you have booked, please include the details in your request to us. Then we will adjust our proposal and make sure that it fits in with your flights.



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Why choose Kiddotravel

  • Cool holidays for cool kids.

    Based on our knowledge and experience of travelling with our own children, we create exciting itineraries that are tailored to the age and interests of your family. And child-friendly accommodations are our priority.


  • Tailor-made for each individual family

    We know that every family is different, that is why we work with building blocks. You and your kids can create the ideal trip for your family by choosing the activities and places you like.


  • Travel the world without worries

    We make sure that the itinerary is perfectly organized from A to Z, with all reservations on site for activities, accommodations or trips.


Fusce nunc dolor, tempor quis ullamcorper id, sagittis sit amet diam. Proin pretium lectus a magna.

– Frederik Vanbelle marketier bij Conversal

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