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Skeilding: We loved that place, so much nature, nothing around. In retrospective we would have liked to stay there for another night and just enjoy nature. We had a nice BBQ and they have prepared something nice vegetarian as well. The guided farm tour in the morning is really nice.

Addo: So, our first hotel was really nice, they had also a a great kitchen. The Addo elephant park was great and is a must!

Tsitsikamma: The hotel was nice, especially as there were not too many others around. So we had the nice „common place“ for ourselves, and the play room was great, Emil liked especially the football table. There were several nice restaurants around within walking distance. We had a nice walk to the 1000-year-old tree, and we had another nice walk within the Tsitsikamma before we did the kayak tour. That tour was great, I would say one of our highlights — but there were many 😉
On our way to Knysna we did a stop at „Birds of eden“, a big bird sanctuary. It was definately worth a stop.

Knysna: the beach was very nice and Emil liked it alot. From here we made a trip to another wild life park (in Plettenberg). This time with a guided tour. It was nice to see the animals like a rhino, lion, crocodile, etc, but they some of them were not free as the animals in the Addo, e.g. the lion was in a restricted are where only lions where. In summer time the guided tour can exist of up to 45 guests, but we were lucky that we were alone with the guide. At the Knysna water front are some nice restaurants, we found one with typical South African food there.

Oudshoorn: A superb hotel with a very good kitchen. The ostrich farm and the cave were both very interesting.

Cape Town: Again a very nice place to stay. Around again some nice restaurants in walking distance. The supersteps was really fun for all of us, Emil enjoyed it to drive together with me. Only bad about it: it ended to soon. Directly after the tour we went up the Table Mountain. We had great weather with a perfect view. We drove to Simon’s Town. There we went to the penguins on the beach, but to those within the National Park. Afterwards we learned that next to it should be another beach where you can go directly to the penguins without having to pay the National park. Maybe a tipp for other families.

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